How to Keep Pests Away From Your Solar Panels Th

Summer is the best time to generate maximum energy from your solar panels, but it’s also the time when pests come out in full force, seeking a new place to make their home.

Headshot of Wash Me Solar's CEO, Jamie Lacher
Jamie Lacher
CEO @ Wash Me Solar
Dec 16, 2023
min read

Summer is the best time to generate maximum energy from your solar panels, but it’s also the time when pests come out in full force, seeking a new place to make their home. Unfortunately, solar panels are an inviting place for pests to nest and cause damage. Birds, squirrels, and other critters can make themselves at home under solar panels, and this can lead to damaged wires, reduced efficiency, and even safety issues. In this blog post, we’ll explore some tips for keeping pests away from your solar panels this summer.

Why do Pests Love Solar Panels?

Pests like birds, squirrels, and rodents are attracted to solar panels because they offer shelter, warmth, and a source of food. Solar panels are an ideal location for these animals to build their nests and reproduce, especially during the warmer months. Additionally, bird droppings can accumulate on solar panels, causing damage to the panels over time, which can also attract other pests.

Trim Trees and Bushes Near Your Panels

The first step to keeping pigeons and other pests away from your solar panels is to make it more difficult for them to access them. Overhanging tree branches and tall bushes can provide easy access to your panels. Trim them back to create a buffer zone around your panels that pests cannot easily traverse. Not only will this keep pests away, but it will also allow more sunlight to reach your panels, leading to increased efficiency.

Install a Barrier

Another way to keep pests away from your solar panels is to install a physical barrier around them. A mesh barrier can be installed around the panels to keep pests out while still allowing sunlight to reach the panels. This is a great option for homeowners who are dealing with persistent pests that are difficult to deter using other methods.

Use Bird Spikes

Birds like pigeons are notorious for perching on solar panels and leaving behind droppings that can cause damage. Bird spikes can be installed on top of your solar panels to discourage birds from perching there. The spikes are harmless to birds but make it uncomfortable for them to perch, leading them to find another place to roost.

Use Repellents

If you’re dealing with a pest problem that isn’t easily solved by physical barriers, there are a variety of repellents that can be used to keep pests away. For example, a mixture of vinegar and water can be sprayed around your panels to repel pigeons and other birds. Alternatively, there are commercial repellents available that can be sprayed on and around your panels. It’s essential to research the repellent before using it on your solar panels to avoid any damage to the panels or interference with the energy production.

Keep Your Panels Clean

Keeping your panels clean can also help to deter pests. Pigeons are attracted to debris, so keeping your panels free of debris can make them less appealing. Pigeon and bird droppings can be particularly problematic as they are corrosive and can damage the panels’ surfaces, reducing their efficiency. It’s also important to regularly clean your panels to remove any bird droppings or other debris that may have accumulated.

Regularly Check for Damage

Regularly inspect your panels for damage caused by pests. Chewed wires or damaged panels can be a sign that pests have taken up residence under your panels. If you notice any damage, it’s important to address it as soon as possible to prevent further damage and ensure that your panels continue to function properly. Additionally, if you find any nests or debris under your panels, have it removed immediately.

Install Ultrasonic Repellers

Ultrasonic repellers emit high-frequency sound waves that are inaudible to humans but can be highly effective in deterring pigeons and other pests. These devices can be installed near your solar panels and work by creating an uncomfortable environment for pests, causing them to avoid the area. Ultrasonic repellers are safe for humans and pets, and they don’t use any chemicals, making them an eco-friendly option. While some studies have shown mixed results on the effectiveness of ultrasonic repellers, they may be worth considering as an additional measure to keep pests away from your solar panels.

Seek Professional Help

If you’re unable to deter pests or notice damage to your panels, it’s essential to seek professional help. Experienced professionals can assess the situation and recommend the best course of action to protect your solar panels from pests. They may use humane trapping and removal methods or recommend more extensive measures such as exclusion systems to prevent pests from accessing your panels.

Special Offer

At Wash Me Solar, we understand the importance of keeping your solar panels in top condition. That’s why we’re offering a special promotion for new customers to help keep your solar panels clean and pest-free this summer. For a limited time, new customers can receive $150 off our solar panel cleaning services. Our team uses eco-friendly cleaning solutions and equipment to safely remove debris and pigeon droppings from your panels, leaving them clean and efficient. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and take advantage of this special offer.


Pests can cause significant damage to your solar panels and reduce their efficiency, leading to a decrease in energy production. By following these tips and taking proactive measures to keep pests away, you can protect your investment and ensure that your solar panels continue to operate at peak performance. If you’re having trouble deterring pests or notice any damage to your panels, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. With the right approach, you can keep your solar panels clean and pest-free all summer long.

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